World GK

Questionnaire: World GK

1. South Africa became a democratic republic on
A. May 10, 1994
B. May 10, 1993
C. April 15, 1994
D. April 15, 1993


2. What is the official language of Argentina?
A. Italian
B. Spanish
C. Portuguese
D. German


3. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

Language Country
a. Flemish 1. Israel
b. Amharic 2. Ethiopia
c. Swahili 3. Belgium
d. Hebrew 4. East Africa

A. a4, b3, c2, d1
B. a3, b2, c4, d1
C. a3, b2, c1, d4
D. a2, b3, c1, d4


4. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

Language Country
a. French 1. Brazil
b. Italian 2. Mexico
c. Portuguese 3. Libya
d. Spanish 4. Mauritania
5. Algeria

A. a5, b3, c1, d2
B. a2, b5, c1, d3
C. a3, b1, c5, d4
D. a5, b3, c2, d4


5. Which country is not in Europe?
A. Holland
B. Belgium
C. Lebanon
D. Sweden


6. Judaism and Christianity were born in :
A. Palestine
B. Rome
C. Egypt
D. Iran


7. The Zend Avesta is the Holy Book of the:
A. Hebrews
B. Roman Catholics
C. Zoroastrians
D. Quakers


8. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Islam –Bohras
B. Hinduism–Arya Samajists
C. Christianity–Mormons
D. Zoroastrianism–Bahris


9. Which of the following Muslim festivals is based on the ‘Holy Quran’ ?
A. Id-ul-Fitr
B. Id-ul-Zuha
C. Moharum
D. Bakr-id


10. In which season is Christmas celebrated in Australia?
A. Autumn
B. Winter
C. Spring
D. Summer


11. Capital of Guatemala is obtained by putting the word ‘city’after it. The capital of which of the following countries is obtained in such way:
A. Taiwan
B. Mexico
C. Laos
D. Ghana


12. The capital of Vietnam is:
A. Ho ChiMinh City
B. Hanoi
C. Ankara
D. Kampala


13. Tirana is the capital of the country known as:
A. Yugoslavia
B. Hungary
C. Afghanistan
D. Albania


14. Which one of the following is not a capital city?
A. Sophia
B. Ho ChiMinh City
C. PanamaCity
D. Prague


15. Brasilia is the capital of which of the following countries?
A. Mexico
B. Guyana
C. Cuba
D. Brazil


16. Bangkok is the capital of which of the following countries?
A. Malaysia
B. Indonesia
C. Taiwan
D. Thailand


17. Thimpu is the capital of :
A. Nepal
B. Bhutan
C. Sikkim
D. Tibet


18. Which of the following is the capital of Iran ?
A. Teheran
B. Riyad
C. Baghdad
D. Jerusalem


19. Dirham is the currency of:
A. Malta
B. Iran
C. Moroco
D. Libya


20. Drop the last four letters of the name of the country itself and you get its currency. The country is:
A. Netherlands
B. Afghanistan
C. El Salvador
D. Luxembourg


21. By dropping the final letter of the name of country we get name of its curency. That country is in Europe. The country is:
A. Korea
B. France
C. Mongolia
D. Iran


22. Netherland’s currency is:
A. Peso
B. Pesata
C. Rupiah
D. Guilder


23. Which of the following pairs of country and its currency is not correct?
A. Bangladesh –Taka
B. United Arab Emirates–Dirham
C. Japan–Yuan
D. Saudi Arabia–Riyal


24. The currency of the European Monetary Unionis:
A. Dolar
B. Euro
C. Mark
D. Sterling


25. ‘Scym’is the Parliament of:
A. Holland
B. Poland
C. Yugoslavia
D. Greece


26. Duma refers to:
A. freedom
B. an elected body
C. religion
D. soldiers


27. Which one of the following countries was previously called Kampuchea?
A. Vietnam
B. Cambodia
C. Maldives
D. Gambia


28. The new name of Burma is:
A. Yangoon
B. Myanmar
C. Rangoon
D. Kampuchea


29. What was the earlier name of Ghana ?
A. The Ivory Coast
B. The Gold Coast
C. Malabar
D. The Levant


30. In which nation, its flag is never allowed to fly at half-mast ?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Turkey
C. Moroco
D. Libya


31. Zimbabwe was formerly known as:
A. Rhodesia
B. Mali
C. Namibia
D. Ivory Coast


32. Paper was invented in China in the:
A. Ist century BC
B. 2ndcenturyAD
C. 4thcenturyAD
D. 5thcenturyAD


33. In which of the following countries did the decimal system of numbers originate?
A. England
B. France
C. Germany
D. India


34. Where was the selection of suitable candidates for a particular job first started through competitive examination?
A. China
B. Great Britain
D. Germany


35. The institution of Ombudsman was first established in:
A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. Finland
D. Denmark


36. ‘Maple Leaf’ is the emblem of:
A. Canada
B. Greece
C. Cyprus
D. Guinea


37. Which country is named as ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ ?
A. Hungary
B. Austria
C. Switzerland
D. Belgium


38. Which country is known as the ‘Playground of Europe’ ?
A. Italy
B. France
C. Switzerland
D. Poland


39. Which is the country famous for pyramids?
A. Israel
B. Jordan
C. Iraq
D. Egypt


40. Which country is nearest to the SouthPole?
A. Australia
B. NewZealand
C. Chile
D. Sweden


41. Australia may be called a “hollow continent” because:
A. most people live along the coasts
B. it is shaped like a saucer
C. there are no rivers in the interior
D. most of its central area is occupied by water


43. ‘Land of White Elephant’ is the surname assigned to:
A. Japan
B. Thailand
C. Bhutan
D. Nepal


43. Cuba is nicknamed as :
A. Cockpit of Europe
B. Hermit Kingdom
C. Land of the Golden Fleece
D. Sugar Bowl of the world


44. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

List I List II
a. Land of Rising Sun 1. Korea
b. Land of Midnight Sun 2. Finland
c. Land of Thousand Lakes 3. Japan
d. Land of Thunderbolt 4. Norway
5. Bhutan

A. a2, b4, c1, d5
B. a3, b4, c2, d5
C. a1, b3, c2, d4
D. a3, b1, c4, d2

45. Famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is in:
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. Cyprus
D. Turkey

46. The city of Los Angeles is famous for :
A. film studios
B. golden beaches
C. rocket launching station
D. natural beauty

47. Given below are four wonders not usually included among the seven wonders of the world :
1.The Great Wall of China
2.TheTaj Mahal at Agra
3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa
4.The Angkor Vat Temple in Kampuchea

What is the correct chronological sequence in which they were constructed ?Choose the answer from the codes given below:
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 1,4,3,2
C. 1,3,4,2
D. 4,1,2,3

48. Vatican City is the residence of:
A. Pope
B. British Queen
C. French President
D. Cyprus President


49. Kremlin in Moscow is:
A. the seat of the government
B. a temple representing ancient archaeological remains
C. the name of a university site in Moscow
D. None of these


50. No10, Downing Street, London is the official residence of
A. Chairman of the House of Lords
B. Speaker of the House of Commons
C. Prime Minister of UK
D. Foreign Minister of UK


51. Kyat is the currency of
A. Maldives
B. Myanmar
C. Mongolia
D. Nepal


52. Which of the following is not a Central American country?
A. Nicaragua
B. Panama
C. El-Salvador
D. Peru

53. Nicaragua is situated in :
A. North America
B. South America
C. Central America
D. West Africa

54. Which country is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun?
A. Sweden
B. Netherlands
C. Norway
D. Japan

55. The oldest monarchy in theworld is of:
B. Nepal
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Japan


56. The largest island in the Indian Ocean is:
A. Sumatra
B. Maldives
C. Sri Lanka
D. Madagascar


57. Ecuador is situated in :
A. North America
B. South America
C. Africa
D. South East Asia


58. Which of the following is known as the city of seven hills?
A. Oslo
B. Rome
C. Geneva
D. Istambol


59. Which country is situated in the horn of Africa?
A. South Africa
B. Ethiopia
C. Somalia
D. Egypt


60. Which one of the following countries was involved in Bofors deal?
A. Switzerland
B. Germany
C. Britain
D. France


61. International Rice Research Institute is in:
A. Malaysia
B. Thailand
C. Indonesia
D. Philippines


62. Pentagon is :
A. the largest port of Russia
B. the largest port of USA
C. the biggest steel manufacturing centre in the world
D. a large building housing the Ministry of Defence of USA


63. “Tashkent Agreement” was signed in:
A. 1962
B. 1966
C. 1967
D. 1972


64. Shimla Agreement was concluded in:
A. 1962
B. 1966
C. 1967
D. 1972


65. Which of the following combinations is/are correct ?
1.Chalenger: explosion
2.Kanishka :c rash
3.Chernobyl : nuclear disaster

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2


66. Which of the following set of countries is involved in Siachen Glacier dispute?
A. India and China
B. India and Pakistan
C. India and Rusia
D. Rusia and China


67. Developing countries are otherwise known as:
A. Eastern Block Countries
B. Third World Countries
C. Agricultural Countries
D. Primary Countries


68. Iran-Iraq conflict was mainly over :
A. Shat-el-Arab Waterway’s ownership
B. Kurdish rebels
C. Religion
D. None of the above


69. Hong Kong was transferred to China in the year:
A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1997
D. 1996


70. India-UK extradition pact relates to:
A. aid agreement between the two countries
B. defence purchase
C. curbing the terrorist activities
D. None of these


71. Bahrain is becoming famous as the
A. world’s leading sugar market
B. world’s major silver market
C. west Asia’s leading banking centre, being turned intoan inter-national bullion market
D. number one trading centre for Asia


72. Which of the following countries has only a two-party Government ?
A. Great Britain
B. France
C. India
D. Australia


73. The policy of Non-Alignment followed by India implies :
A. preserving the right to choose its own policies
B. keeping aloof from the power blocs
C. bringing peace and amity to the world
D. a third world power


74. Which of these nations has the largest percentage of persons in the armed forces?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Israel
D. Syria


75. After the break-up of the USSR the largest country in the world in terms of area is:
A. China
B. Russia
D. Canada


76. The American Constitution came into effect in:
A. 1781
B. 1861
C. 1789
D. 1865


77. Which is not a feature of the American constitution?
A. Federation
B. Written constitution
C. Republic
D. Cabinet system


78. United States of America elects her President after every
A. six years
B. four years
C. five years
D. three years


79. How the President of America is elected ?
A. Direct election
B. Voting by State Governors
C. By elected representatives of Congress
D. Voting by Election Commission appointed by elected representatives


80. If there is any disagreement between the Senate and House of Representatives in USA, it is resolved by:
A. The President
B. The Vice-President
C. The Speaker
D. conference committee consisting of 3 to 9 members from each House


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