World GK

September 29, 2008

Questionnaire: World GK

1. South Africa became a democratic republic on
A. May 10, 1994
B. May 10, 1993
C. April 15, 1994
D. April 15, 1993


2. What is the official language of Argentina?
A. Italian
B. Spanish
C. Portuguese
D. German


3. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

Language Country
a. Flemish 1. Israel
b. Amharic 2. Ethiopia
c. Swahili 3. Belgium
d. Hebrew 4. East Africa

A. a4, b3, c2, d1
B. a3, b2, c4, d1
C. a3, b2, c1, d4
D. a2, b3, c1, d4


4. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

Language Country
a. French 1. Brazil
b. Italian 2. Mexico
c. Portuguese 3. Libya
d. Spanish 4. Mauritania
5. Algeria

A. a5, b3, c1, d2
B. a2, b5, c1, d3
C. a3, b1, c5, d4
D. a5, b3, c2, d4


5. Which country is not in Europe?
A. Holland
B. Belgium
C. Lebanon
D. Sweden


6. Judaism and Christianity were born in :
A. Palestine
B. Rome
C. Egypt
D. Iran


7. The Zend Avesta is the Holy Book of the:
A. Hebrews
B. Roman Catholics
C. Zoroastrians
D. Quakers


8. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. Islam –Bohras
B. Hinduism–Arya Samajists
C. Christianity–Mormons
D. Zoroastrianism–Bahris


9. Which of the following Muslim festivals is based on the ‘Holy Quran’ ?
A. Id-ul-Fitr
B. Id-ul-Zuha
C. Moharum
D. Bakr-id


10. In which season is Christmas celebrated in Australia?
A. Autumn
B. Winter
C. Spring
D. Summer


11. Capital of Guatemala is obtained by putting the word ‘city’after it. The capital of which of the following countries is obtained in such way:
A. Taiwan
B. Mexico
C. Laos
D. Ghana


12. The capital of Vietnam is:
A. Ho ChiMinh City
B. Hanoi
C. Ankara
D. Kampala


13. Tirana is the capital of the country known as:
A. Yugoslavia
B. Hungary
C. Afghanistan
D. Albania


14. Which one of the following is not a capital city?
A. Sophia
B. Ho ChiMinh City
C. PanamaCity
D. Prague


15. Brasilia is the capital of which of the following countries?
A. Mexico
B. Guyana
C. Cuba
D. Brazil


16. Bangkok is the capital of which of the following countries?
A. Malaysia
B. Indonesia
C. Taiwan
D. Thailand


17. Thimpu is the capital of :
A. Nepal
B. Bhutan
C. Sikkim
D. Tibet


18. Which of the following is the capital of Iran ?
A. Teheran
B. Riyad
C. Baghdad
D. Jerusalem


19. Dirham is the currency of:
A. Malta
B. Iran
C. Moroco
D. Libya


20. Drop the last four letters of the name of the country itself and you get its currency. The country is:
A. Netherlands
B. Afghanistan
C. El Salvador
D. Luxembourg


21. By dropping the final letter of the name of country we get name of its curency. That country is in Europe. The country is:
A. Korea
B. France
C. Mongolia
D. Iran


22. Netherland’s currency is:
A. Peso
B. Pesata
C. Rupiah
D. Guilder


23. Which of the following pairs of country and its currency is not correct?
A. Bangladesh –Taka
B. United Arab Emirates–Dirham
C. Japan–Yuan
D. Saudi Arabia–Riyal


24. The currency of the European Monetary Unionis:
A. Dolar
B. Euro
C. Mark
D. Sterling


25. ‘Scym’is the Parliament of:
A. Holland
B. Poland
C. Yugoslavia
D. Greece


26. Duma refers to:
A. freedom
B. an elected body
C. religion
D. soldiers


27. Which one of the following countries was previously called Kampuchea?
A. Vietnam
B. Cambodia
C. Maldives
D. Gambia


28. The new name of Burma is:
A. Yangoon
B. Myanmar
C. Rangoon
D. Kampuchea


29. What was the earlier name of Ghana ?
A. The Ivory Coast
B. The Gold Coast
C. Malabar
D. The Levant


30. In which nation, its flag is never allowed to fly at half-mast ?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Turkey
C. Moroco
D. Libya


31. Zimbabwe was formerly known as:
A. Rhodesia
B. Mali
C. Namibia
D. Ivory Coast


32. Paper was invented in China in the:
A. Ist century BC
B. 2ndcenturyAD
C. 4thcenturyAD
D. 5thcenturyAD


33. In which of the following countries did the decimal system of numbers originate?
A. England
B. France
C. Germany
D. India


34. Where was the selection of suitable candidates for a particular job first started through competitive examination?
A. China
B. Great Britain
D. Germany


35. The institution of Ombudsman was first established in:
A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. Finland
D. Denmark


36. ‘Maple Leaf’ is the emblem of:
A. Canada
B. Greece
C. Cyprus
D. Guinea


37. Which country is named as ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ ?
A. Hungary
B. Austria
C. Switzerland
D. Belgium


38. Which country is known as the ‘Playground of Europe’ ?
A. Italy
B. France
C. Switzerland
D. Poland


39. Which is the country famous for pyramids?
A. Israel
B. Jordan
C. Iraq
D. Egypt


40. Which country is nearest to the SouthPole?
A. Australia
B. NewZealand
C. Chile
D. Sweden


41. Australia may be called a “hollow continent” because:
A. most people live along the coasts
B. it is shaped like a saucer
C. there are no rivers in the interior
D. most of its central area is occupied by water


43. ‘Land of White Elephant’ is the surname assigned to:
A. Japan
B. Thailand
C. Bhutan
D. Nepal


43. Cuba is nicknamed as :
A. Cockpit of Europe
B. Hermit Kingdom
C. Land of the Golden Fleece
D. Sugar Bowl of the world


44. Arrange the following pairs in correct order.

List I List II
a. Land of Rising Sun 1. Korea
b. Land of Midnight Sun 2. Finland
c. Land of Thousand Lakes 3. Japan
d. Land of Thunderbolt 4. Norway
5. Bhutan

A. a2, b4, c1, d5
B. a3, b4, c2, d5
C. a1, b3, c2, d4
D. a3, b1, c4, d2

45. Famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is in:
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. Cyprus
D. Turkey

46. The city of Los Angeles is famous for :
A. film studios
B. golden beaches
C. rocket launching station
D. natural beauty

47. Given below are four wonders not usually included among the seven wonders of the world :
1.The Great Wall of China
2.TheTaj Mahal at Agra
3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa
4.The Angkor Vat Temple in Kampuchea

What is the correct chronological sequence in which they were constructed ?Choose the answer from the codes given below:
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 1,4,3,2
C. 1,3,4,2
D. 4,1,2,3

48. Vatican City is the residence of:
A. Pope
B. British Queen
C. French President
D. Cyprus President


49. Kremlin in Moscow is:
A. the seat of the government
B. a temple representing ancient archaeological remains
C. the name of a university site in Moscow
D. None of these


50. No10, Downing Street, London is the official residence of
A. Chairman of the House of Lords
B. Speaker of the House of Commons
C. Prime Minister of UK
D. Foreign Minister of UK


51. Kyat is the currency of
A. Maldives
B. Myanmar
C. Mongolia
D. Nepal


52. Which of the following is not a Central American country?
A. Nicaragua
B. Panama
C. El-Salvador
D. Peru

53. Nicaragua is situated in :
A. North America
B. South America
C. Central America
D. West Africa

54. Which country is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun?
A. Sweden
B. Netherlands
C. Norway
D. Japan

55. The oldest monarchy in theworld is of:
B. Nepal
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Japan


56. The largest island in the Indian Ocean is:
A. Sumatra
B. Maldives
C. Sri Lanka
D. Madagascar


57. Ecuador is situated in :
A. North America
B. South America
C. Africa
D. South East Asia


58. Which of the following is known as the city of seven hills?
A. Oslo
B. Rome
C. Geneva
D. Istambol


59. Which country is situated in the horn of Africa?
A. South Africa
B. Ethiopia
C. Somalia
D. Egypt


60. Which one of the following countries was involved in Bofors deal?
A. Switzerland
B. Germany
C. Britain
D. France


61. International Rice Research Institute is in:
A. Malaysia
B. Thailand
C. Indonesia
D. Philippines


62. Pentagon is :
A. the largest port of Russia
B. the largest port of USA
C. the biggest steel manufacturing centre in the world
D. a large building housing the Ministry of Defence of USA


63. “Tashkent Agreement” was signed in:
A. 1962
B. 1966
C. 1967
D. 1972


64. Shimla Agreement was concluded in:
A. 1962
B. 1966
C. 1967
D. 1972


65. Which of the following combinations is/are correct ?
1.Chalenger: explosion
2.Kanishka :c rash
3.Chernobyl : nuclear disaster

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 1 and 2


66. Which of the following set of countries is involved in Siachen Glacier dispute?
A. India and China
B. India and Pakistan
C. India and Rusia
D. Rusia and China


67. Developing countries are otherwise known as:
A. Eastern Block Countries
B. Third World Countries
C. Agricultural Countries
D. Primary Countries


68. Iran-Iraq conflict was mainly over :
A. Shat-el-Arab Waterway’s ownership
B. Kurdish rebels
C. Religion
D. None of the above


69. Hong Kong was transferred to China in the year:
A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1997
D. 1996


70. India-UK extradition pact relates to:
A. aid agreement between the two countries
B. defence purchase
C. curbing the terrorist activities
D. None of these


71. Bahrain is becoming famous as the
A. world’s leading sugar market
B. world’s major silver market
C. west Asia’s leading banking centre, being turned intoan inter-national bullion market
D. number one trading centre for Asia


72. Which of the following countries has only a two-party Government ?
A. Great Britain
B. France
C. India
D. Australia


73. The policy of Non-Alignment followed by India implies :
A. preserving the right to choose its own policies
B. keeping aloof from the power blocs
C. bringing peace and amity to the world
D. a third world power


74. Which of these nations has the largest percentage of persons in the armed forces?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Israel
D. Syria


75. After the break-up of the USSR the largest country in the world in terms of area is:
A. China
B. Russia
D. Canada


76. The American Constitution came into effect in:
A. 1781
B. 1861
C. 1789
D. 1865


77. Which is not a feature of the American constitution?
A. Federation
B. Written constitution
C. Republic
D. Cabinet system


78. United States of America elects her President after every
A. six years
B. four years
C. five years
D. three years


79. How the President of America is elected ?
A. Direct election
B. Voting by State Governors
C. By elected representatives of Congress
D. Voting by Election Commission appointed by elected representatives


80. If there is any disagreement between the Senate and House of Representatives in USA, it is resolved by:
A. The President
B. The Vice-President
C. The Speaker
D. conference committee consisting of 3 to 9 members from each House


Latest Who’s Who

September 29, 2008

Mrs. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil

Vice President:
Mr. Mohammad Hamid Ansari

Prime Minister:
Dr. Manmohan Singh

Chief Justice of India:
Mr. K. G. Balakrishnan

Speaker of Lok Sabha:
Mr. Som Nath Chatterjee

Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha:
Mr. Charanjit Singh Atwal

Chairman of Rajya Sabha (Vice-President):
Mr. Mohammad Hamid Ansari (Vice President)

Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha:
Mr. K. Rahman Khan

Chairman of Planning Commission (Prime Minister):
Dr. Manmohan Singh (Prime Minister)

Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission:
Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Chief Election Commissioner:
Mr. N. Gopalaswamy

Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India:
Mr. Vinod Rai

Attorney General of India:
Mr. Milon Banerjee

Solicitor General of India::
Mr. Goolam E. Vahanvati

Cabinet Secretary Of India::
Mr. K. M. Chandrashekhar
[The Cabinet Secretariat is under the direct charge of the Prime Minister. The administrative head of the Secretariat is the Cabinet Secretary who is also the ex-officio Chairman of the Civil Services Board, and thus the head of the Indian Administrative Service.]

Foreign Secretary of India:
Mr. Shivshankar Menon

Chief of the Army Staff:
General Deepak Kapoor

Chief of the Air Staff:
Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major

Chief of the Naval Staff:
Admiral Sureesh Mehta

Chairman of Central Administrative Tribunal:
Mr. Justice V. K. Bali

Chairman, National Commission for Minorities:
Mr. Mohammad Shafi Qureshi

Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes (SC):
Dr. Buta Singh

Chairman / Chairperson, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (ST):
Mrs. Urmila Singh

Chairman, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC):
Justice O. P. Dwivedi

Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI):
Mr. Ashwani Kumar

Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI):
Mr. D. Subbarao

Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI):
Mr. C. B. Bhave

Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII):
Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee

President, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI):
Mr. Rajeev Chandrashekhar

Cabinet Ministers in the Union Government:

Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister and also in-charge of the Ministries/ Departments not specifically allocated to the charge of any Minister viz.:
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions;
Ministry of Planning
Department of Atomic Energy
Department of Space
Ministry of Coal
Ministry of Environment and Forests

Pranab Mukherjee
Minister of External Affairs

Arjun Singh
Minister of Human Resource Development

Sharad Pawar
Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

Lalu Prasad
Minister of Railways

A K Antony
Minister of Defence

Shivraj V. Patil
Minister of Home Affairs

Abdul Rehman Antulay
Minister of Minority Affairs

Sushilkumar Shinde
Minister of Power

Ram Vilas Paswan
Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers and Minister of Steel

S. Jaipal Reddy
Minister of Urban Development

Sis Ram Ola
Minister of Mines

P. Chidambaram
Minister of Finance

Mahavir Prasad
Minister of Small Scale Industries and Minister of Agro and Rural Industries

P.R. Kyndiah
Minister of Tribal Affairs

T. R. Baalu
Minister of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways

Shankersinh Vaghela
Minister of Textiles

Vayalar Ravi
Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

Kamal Nath
Minister of Commerce and Industry

Hansraj Bhardwaj
Minister of Law and Justice

Sontosh Mohan Dev
Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

Saif-ud-din Soz
Minister of Water Resources

Raghuvansh Prasad Singh
Minister of Rural Development

Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi
Minister of Information and Broadcasting

Mani Shankar Aiyar
Minister of Panchayati Raj and Minister of Development of North Eastern Region

Meira Kumar
Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment

Murli Deora
Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas

Ambika Soni
Minister of Tourism and Minister of Culture

A. Raja
Minister of Communications and Information Technology

Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss
Minister of Health and Family Welfare

Kapil Sibal
Minister of Science and Technology and Minister of Earth Sciences

Prem Chand Gupta
Minister of Company Affairs

General Science 1

October 2, 2008

Questionnaire 1

1. The energy released on account of the motion of a body is termed as the:
A. potential energy
B. kinetic energy
C. relative velocity
D. None of these

2. Kilowatt is the measuring unit of:
A. power
B. current
C. work
D. energy

3. In which unit can we measure food energy?
A. Calorie
B. Keloin
C. Joule
D. Erg

4. The conservation of energy principle refers to the fact that:
A. it is essential not to waste natural gas and oil, for these are limited in supply
B. solar heating makes use of the sun’s energy, which would otherwise be wasted
C. energy can neither be created nor destroyed
D. nuclear-power plants recycle spent fuel

5. One HP is equal to ___ kg per meter per second.
A. 25
B. 50
C. 75
D. 10

6. When a constant force is applied to a body, it moves with uniform:
A. Speed
B. Velocity
C. Acceleration
D. Momentum

7. ‘Parsec’ is a unit of:
A. weight
B. time
C. speed
D. distance

8. Knot is unit of speed of which of the following?
A. Ship
B. Aeroplane
C. Light rays
D. Sound waves

9. Assume that – A denotes narrow wheel, A wider wheel, B denotes small free wheel, B larger free wheel, C denotes small gear wheel, C larger gear wheel, – in a rural area where there are sandy tracts, it will be advisable to use a bicycle with :
A. A, B, C
B. A, B, C
C. A, B, C
D. A, B, C

10. A wheel that has 6 cogs is meshed with a larger wheel of 14 cogs. When the smaller wheel has made 21 revolutions, the number of revolutions made by the larger wheel is:
A. 12
B. 49
C. 9
D. 4

11. If rubber tyres replace wheels in bullock carts then:
1. speed of bullock cart increases
2. load carrying capacity increases
3. the capacity of bullock to pull the cart at a stretch increases
4. None of the above

A. 1 & 3correct
B. 2 & 3correct
C. 1 & 2correct
D. 1, 2 & 3correct

12. Rolling a drum is easier than pulling it along a road beacuse:
A. rolling causes less friction
B. friction is more when the object is rolled
C. pulling willl damage the drum
D. None of the above

13. Walking on ice is more difficult than walking on concrete because ice:
A. gives less friction
B. gives more friction
C. is very cold and as such blood gets frozen up
D. being soft, one can get bogged down into it while walking

14. What should be done by a car driver if he is caught on the way by a severe thunder storm and lightening?
A. He should leave the wheel and lie down on the ground
B. He should remain inside the car with its window glasses all pulled up
C. Park the car beneath a tall tree
D. Just bite a piece of cotton firmly in between the two rows of teeth

15. Ball bearings are used in cycles and scooters to:
A. reduce the area of contact between the two surfaces in contact
B. reduce friction between wheel and axle
C. increase friction between wheel and axle
D. reduce friction between ground and vehicle

16. How do the centripetal forces pull a body?
A. Upward
B. Downward
C. Inwards
D. Outwards

17. When milk is churned, the cream separates from it due to the:
A. cohesive force
B. frictional force
C. centrifugal force
D. gravitational force

18. A body in circular motion requires:
A. centrifugal force
B. centripetal force
C. inertial force
D. gravitational force

19. The rising of ink to the point of nib in a fountain pen is due to:
A. surface tension
B. capillary action
C. gravitational attraction
D. None of the above

20. As one goes up the mountain one suffers from nose bleeding sometimes. The reason is that
A. blood pressure decreases at high altitudes
B. blood pressure increases at high altitudes
C. as one starts going up, the pressure of the blood capillaries becomes higher than the outside pressure
D. None of the above

21. Birds get thrust (forward motion) and lift (upward motion) from:
A. flapping of wings
B. twisting of feathers
C. shape of wings which is similar to aeroplane blades
D. air sacs

22. Small rain-drops are spherical in shape because of:
A. surface-tension
B. gravity
C. atmospheric pressure
D. evaporation

23. The cross-section of the water column in the given figure is circular. The diameter of the bigger limb is 4 cm and that of the smaller limb 2 cm. A force of 40kg is placed at the bigger end. What force will be required at the smaller end to keep the level of water balanced?
A. 20 kg
B. 80 kg
C. 160 kg
D. 10 kg

24. A body partially floats in water when:
A. the volume of the displaced water is greater than the volume of the body
B. a body immersed in fluid loses as much in weight as the weight of the displaced volume of the fluid
C. the mass of the displaced water is greater than the mass of the body
D. None of the above

25. Which of the following is used in diesel engine?
1. Cylinder
2. Spark plug
3. Piston

Choose your answer from the codes
given below :
A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3

26. Iron is heavier than water, still the ship floats on the sea because
A. weight of the ship is less than the weight of water in the sea
B. weight of the ship is more than sea water
C. weight of the ship is less than the weight of water that the ship displaces
D. weight of ship is equal to the weight of water that ship displaces

27. The volume of an object will be maximum when it is:
A. spherical
B. rectangular
C. cone shaped
D. triangular

28. The mass of the body is different from its weight because:
A. mass is variable quantity whereas weight is constant
B. mass is constant but weight increases as the body moves from the poles to the Equator
C. mass varies very little at different places where as weight varies a lot
D. mass is a measure of the quantity of matter where as weight is a force

29. Which one of the following is a vector quantity?
A. volume
B. mass
C. weight
D. density

30. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is:
A. increased
B. neutralised
C. decreased
D. the same

31. A certain amount of cold air will weigh heavier than the same amount of dry air because of the:
A. greater number of molecules at low temperature
B. lesser number of molecules at high temperature
C. greater energy of molecules at high temperature
D. lesser energy of molecules at high temperature

32. A free-floating astronaut ‘A’ pushes another free-floating astronaut ‘B’ in space. The mass of ‘A’ is greater than that of ‘B’. The force exerted by astronaut ‘A’ on astronaut ‘B’ will be:
A. equal to zero
B. equal to the force exerted by ‘B’ on ‘A’
C. greater than the force exerted by ‘B’on ‘A’
D. les than the force exerted by ‘B’ on ‘A’

33. On the lunar surface:
A. weight remains same but mass varies
B. mass ramains same but weight varies
C. both of them vary
D. None of the above is true

34. The effect of circular movements on a person in a satellite around the earth is that:
A. his mass becomes nil while the weight remains the same
B. his mass remains constant while weight becomes zero
C. his mass goes up while the weight remains unchanged
D. None of the above

35. A wooden block is floating in water. If 4/5 of its volume is immersed in water and volume of the water displaced is 800ml, the volume of the block is:
A. 1140 ml
B. 200 ml
C. 800 ml
D. 100 ml

36. A balloon filled with air is weighted (W) so that it just floats in water. When it is further pushed a short distance in water it will:
A. sink to the bottom
B. stay at the depth where it stands submerged
C. not come back to its original position
D. sink down a little further but will not reach the bottom

37. Oil, water and gas can be present in a well in the ascending order of:
A. water, oil, gas
B. gas, water, oil
C. water, gas, oil
D. oil, water, gas

38. Mercury is preferred to water in barometer because:
A. mercury is good conductor of heat
B. mercury is bright and hence its level can be easily read
C. mercury is available in pure form
D. mercury has high density and low surface tension

39. An aeroplane rises up:
A. on account of upward thrust of air
B. as the air over the aeroplane is denser than that under the plane
C. as the pressure over its wings is more than the pressure under them
D. as its nose is pointed upwards

40. A boat filed with some stones is floating in water. If the stones are dropped into the water, the level of the water will:
A. rise
B. decrease
C. remain the same
D. insufficient data to predict

41. When a ship enters sea from a river, its level:
A. remains same
B. rises
C. may or may not change
D. decreases

42. There is a hole in the boat through which water is seeping into the boat. Just before the boat capsizes :
A. water level in the boat will increase
B. water level will decrease
C. water level will remain constant
D. None of these

43. An ice cube is floating in a glass of water. How will the water level be affected when the ice cube melts?
A. The level of water will go up
B. The level of water will go down
C. The level of water will remain unchanged
D. In the beginning the level will go up but later on the level will go down

44. Fathom is the unit of:
A. sound
B. depth
C. distance
D. frequency

45. Ordinary clocks lose time during summer. It is so because the length of their pendulum:
A. increases and so does the length of time
B. increases and therefore its duration of time decreases
C. decreases and therefore the length of time increases
D. decreases and therefore the length of time decreases

46. A body is attached to a spring balance suspended from a stand. The reading on the balance is 0.5 kg. The two together are detached from the stand and allowed to fall through a height. While falling the reading in the balance will be:
A. zero

B. less than 0.5kg but not zero
C. more than 0.5 kg depending on the height
D. 0.5 kg

47. Two bars of gold and silver are weighed by spring balance and read 200 gms each. These bars are then suspended in a liquid and weighed by using the same balance. What could be derived?
A. Gold will weigh more than silver
B. Silver will weigh more than gold
C. Both the bars will be equal in weight
D. Nothing can be said, unless the density of the liquid is known

48. Which one of the following will take place when a watch based on oscillating spring is taken to a deep mine?
A. It will become slow
B. It will become fast
C. It will indicate the same time as on earth
D. It will stop working

49. Very small-time intervals are accurately measured by the:
A. pulsars
B. while dwarfs
C. atomic clocks
D. quartz clocks

50. Match the following:

List I List II
a. Cusec 1. Pressure
b. Byte 2. Intensity of Earthquake
c. Ricter 3. Rate of Flow
d. Bar 4. Computer Memory

A. a4, b1, c2, d3
B. a2, b4, c3, d1
C. a3, b4, c2, d1
D. a3, b2, c1, d4


Firsts in India

October 2, 2008


First President of India:
Dr. Rajendra Prasad (1950-1962)

First Prime Minister of India:
Jawaharlal Nehru (1947-1964). The first term lasted till 1952 after which he was re-elected

First Vice President of India :
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

First Deputy Prime Minister of India:
Vallabhbhai Patel

First Prime Minister to be voted out of office:
Indira Gandhi (1977) when the Indian National Congress lost to the Janata Party

First Non-Congress government:
by Janata Party with Morarji Desai as the Prime Minister (1977-1980)

First Prime Minister to lead a minority government for a full term (five years):
P. V. Narasimha Rao, June 21, 1991 – May 16, 1996

First Person outside the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty to serve as Prime Minister for a full term (five years):
P. V. Narasimha Rao, June 21, 1991 – May 16, 1996

First Prime Minister from South India:
P. V. Narasimha Rao, June 21, 1991 – May 16, 1996

First Governor-General:
Warren Hastings

First British Governor-General:
Lord William Bentinck

First British Viceroy of India:
Lord Canning

First Governor General of Independent India:
Lord Mountbatten, 1947

First and Last Indian Governor-General of Indian Union:
C Rajagopalachari, 1948

First Chief Justice of India:
Justice Hiralal J Kania

First Indian ICS Officer:
Satyendranath Tagore, 1863

First Speaker of Lok Sabha:
Shri G.V. Mavlankar

First Finance Minister of Independent India:
Shri R.K.Shanmukhan Chettys

Presentation of First Budget after India’s Independence :
Shri R.K.Shanmukhan Chettys on Nov 26, 1947

First Sikh Prime Minister :
Manmohan Singh

First Muslim President :
Zakir Hussain (1967-1969)

First Sikh President :
Giani Zail Singh

First President to die in Office :
Dr. Zakir Hussain

First Prime Minister of India of resigned without completing his full term:
Morarji Desai

First Prime Minister who did not face the Parliament:
Charan Singh

First Chief Justice of Supreme Court to become President of India:
Justice M. Hidaytullah

First Sikh President :
Giani Zail Singh

First Education Minister :
Abul Kalam Azad

First Home Minister :
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

First Chief Election Commissioner:
Sukumar Sen



First Commander-in-Chief of Free India:
General Sir Roy Bucher

First Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India:
General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1949

First Chief of Air Staff:
Air Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst

First Indian Chief of Staff:
General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1947

First Indian Commander-in-Chief, IAF:
Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee, 1954

First Chief of Naval Staff:
Vice Admiral R D Katari

First Field Marshal of India:
S. H. F. Manekshaw

First Person to receive Paramvir Chakra::
Major Somnath Sharma

First Cosmonaut:
Sqn Ldr Rakesh Sharma, 1984



First Nobel Prize winner:
Rabindranath Tagore for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1913. He was also the firstAsian to get the prize.

First Nobel Prize in Physics:
C. V. Raman in 1930.

First Nobel Prize in Medicine:
Har Gobind Khorana in 1968. (India born US citizen)

First Nobel Peace Prize:
Mother Teresa in 1979. (Albanian nun, Indian citizen)

First Nobel Prize in Economics:
Amartya Sen in 1998



First Miss World:
Reita Faria in 1966

First Miss Universe:
Sushmita Sen in 1994

First Booker Prize:
Arundhati Roy for The God of Small Things in 1997

First Bharat Ratna:
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, C. Rajagopalachari, and Dr C.V. Raman in 1954

First Foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna:
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

First Person to receive Stalin Prize:
Saifuddin Kitchlu

First Chevalier:
Sivaji Ganesan

First Person to receive Jnanpith Award:
Sri Shankar Kurup

First Dadasaheb Phalke Award:
Devika Rani
in 1969

First Ashoka Chakra Award to a civilian (posthumous) :
D.K. Jatar, captain of the sabotaged plane Kashmir Princess, for “most conspicuous bravery, daring and self-sacrifice”

First Magsaysay Award:
Vinoba Bhave

First Winner of a major literary award in the United States:
Dhan Gopal Mukerji

First Ford Supermodel of the World (contest):
Bipasha Basu, 1996



First Person to reach the South Pole:
Col Jatinder Kumar Bajaj

First Woman to scale Mount Everest:
Bachendri Pal on May 23, 1984. She was the 5th woman in the world to scale the peak.



First Sound film:
Alam Ara, 1931

First Oscar winner:
Bhanu Athaiya for Best Costume Design for Gandhi (film) in 1982

First Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film:
Mother India in 1957

First National Film Award for cinema:
Shyamchi Aai in 1954

First Colorized film:
Mughal-e-Azam in 2004 (the original black-and-white version was released in 1960)

First Sponsored TV serial:
Hum Log, started in 1984, was also the first soap opera of India

First Actor to enact 10 roles:
Kamal Haasan



First Hydroelectric plant:
On the Gaganachukki waterfall of the Sivasamudram Falls, Karnataka. Built in 1902.

First City to have electricity:
Bangalore, in 1906 (it was in fact the first city in Asia to have electricity)

First Man in space:
Rakesh Sharma aboard Salyut 7, on April 03, 1984. He was the 138th man in space world-wide.

First Woman in space:
Kalpana Chawla aboard Space Shuttle Columbia flight STS-87, on November 19,1997. She was a naturalized United States citizen, and represented the US during the event.

First Test-tube baby:
Durga Agarwal, born 1978

First Scientific Expedition to Antarctica:

First Nuclear Reactor:
Tarapur, Maharashtra

First Genetically Modified Food Product in India :
Bt. Egg plant Hybrid (Bt. — Bacilius Thuringiensis)

First Satellite :
Aryabhatta, launched on April 19, 1975

First Satellite dedicated exclusively for educational services :

First Successfully indigenous Launch Vehicle :



First Olympic team medal:
Gold for Hockey at the 1928 Summer Olympics Amsterdam, beating theNetherlands.

First Olympic individual medal (in British India):
Norman Pritchard, 1900

First Olympic individual medal:
Bronze by
K. D. Jadhav for wrestling at the 1952 Summer OlympicsHelsinki.

First Person to swim across the English Channel:
Mihir Sen, 1958

First Woman to swim across the English Channel:
Arati Saha, 1959

First Formula 1 race driver:
Narain Karthikeyan

First Formula 1 team:
Force India F1

First A1 GP race victory:
Narain Karthikeyan, Zhuhai,China,2007



First Chess Grandmaster:
Viswanathan Anand in 1988, at the age of 18.

First FIDE World Chess Champion:
Viswanathan Anand in December 2000.

First Undisputed World Chess Champion:
Viswanathan Anand in September 2007.



First Tennis Grand Slam title:
Mahesh Bhupathi (partnering with Japanese Rika Hiraki) in the Mixed Doubles category of the 1997 French Open.

First Tennis Grand Slam win by a woman:
Nirupama Vaidyanathan beat Italian Gloria Pizzichini in the first round of the 1998 Australian Open

First Woman in the 4th round (highest as of 2008) of a tennis Grand Slam event:
Sania Mirza in the Singles category of the 2005 US Open.

First Tennis Grand Slam junior title:
Leander Paes in the Singles category of the 1990 Wimbledon Championship. He is also the only medal fetcher for India in the Atlanta Olympics. He won the a bronze medal the only medal that put India in the medal tally.

First Tennis Grand Slam junior title by a woman:
Sania Mirza (partnering with Russian Alisa Kleybanova) in the Doubles category of the 2003 Wimbledon Championships.



First Cricket tournament:
The Bombay Triangular which later became the Bombay Quadrangular (1912-1936)

First Cricket test match:
Against England at Lord’s, June 25, 1932

First Cricket captain:
CK Nayudu for the 1932 tour of England

First Cricketer to score a century:
Lala Amarnath in 1933 against England in South Bombay

First Cricketer to score a triple century:
Vijay Hazare

First ODI cricket hat-trick:
Chetan Sharma in Reliance World Cup against New Zealand in 1987.

First Test cricket hat-trick:
Harbhajan Singh against Australia in March 2001

First Cricket World Cup championship win:
At the 1983 Cricket World Cup, England beating West Indies.

First Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in Test cricket:
Sunil Gavaskar (he was first in the world to achieve this feat)

First Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in ODI cricket:
Sachin Tendulkar (he was first in the world to achieve this feat)

First Cricket Twenty20 world cup winner :

First Cricketer to score 75 Test and ODI centuries :
Sachin Tendulkar



First Woman Prime Minister:
Indira Gandhi

First Woman Minister in a government:
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

First Woman Chief Minister of a State:
Sucheta Kripalani, 1963

First Woman Governor:
Sarojini Naidu

First Woman Central Minister:
Vijayalakshmi Pandit

First Woman Speaker of a State Assembly:
Shanno Devi

First Woman Indian National Congress President:
Annie Besant

First Woman President:
Pratibha Patil

First Woman Graduates:
Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883

First Woman Head of an Undergraduate Academic Institution:
Chandramukhi Basu, 1888

First Woman Honours Graduate:
Kamini Roy (1886)

First Woman Lawyer:
Cornelia Sorabjee

First Woman Judge:
Anna Chandy (She became judge in a district court in 1937)

First Woman Chief Justice of a High Court:
Mrs. Leela Seth (Himachal Pradesh High Court)

First Woman Judge in Supreme Court of India:
Kumari Justice M. Fathima Beevi

First Woman Physician:
Kadambini Ganguly, 1886

First Woman Airline Pilot:
Durga Banerjee

First Woman Olympic medal winner:
Karnam Malleswari, 2000

First Woman Asian Games gold medal winner:
Kamlijit Sandhu

First Woman IPS Officer:
Kiran Bedi

First Woman Nobel Prize winner:
Mother Teresa in 1979 (Albanian born Indian citizen)

First Woman Ambassador:
Miss C. B. Muthamma

First Woman to climb Mt. Everest Twice:
Santosh Yadav

First Woman President of Indian National Congress:
Annie Besant

First Woman Pilot in Indian Air Force:
Harita Kaur Dayal

First Woman President of the UN General Assembly:
Vijay Laxmi Pandit

First Woman Chairman of UPSC:
Roze Millian Bethew

First Woman Director General of Police:
Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya

First Woman Lieutenant General:
Puneeta Arora

First Woman Air Vice Marshal:
P. Bandopadhyaya

First Woman to receive Bharat Ratna:
Indira Gandhi

First Woman to receive Jnanpith Award:
Ashapurna Devi



First Wax statue of a living Indian:
Mahatma Gandhi at Madame Tussaud’s in 1939

First Exclusive internet magazine:
Bharat Samachar

First Miss India to participate in Miss Universe:
Indrani Rehman

First President of the Indian National Congress:
W C Bonnerjee, 1885

First Muslim President of the Indian National Congress:
Badruddin Tayyabji

First Judge of International Court of Justice:
Dr. Nagender Singh

First Graduate in Medicine:
Soorjo Coomar Goodeve Chuckerbutty